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Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT Market Report : Global Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT Market Size is Expected to Reach USD 250 Million by 2029

Published Date: 2024-07-02

According to the Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT Market report published by YH Research, this report provides Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT market scenario, definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure, also discusses development policies and plans as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures to analyse the Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT market development status and future market trends. The Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT market also analyses the Mobile Vehicle Mounted CT market from the angles of production and consumption, by top producing regions, top consuming regions, and top manufacturers.

Mobile Vehicle-mounted CT refers to the specialised CT that has been specially designed and complies with the standards of the National Drug Administration for use in the vehicle environment for routine CT examinations and to support angiographic imaging.The global Mobile Vehicle-mounted CT market size is expected to reach USD 250 million by 2029, with a CAGR of 2.4% in the next few years.

Segmented by product type, currently below 64 rows is the most dominant segment, occupying about 50.0% share, with below 64 rows in a dominant position; followed by 64 rows and above occupying about 50.0% share.

By application, large general hospitals are currently the most important source of demand, accounting for approximately 54.42% share, with large general hospitals being the largest downstream market; followed by the military, brain hospitals, and third-party imaging centres together accounting for approximately 45.58% share.

According to YH Research research statistics, the global mobile vehicle-mounted CT market size will be approximately $1.66 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately % from 2019-2023, and is expected to continue to maintain a steady growth trend in the future, with the market size approaching $1.64 billion in 2030, and the CAGR for the next six years will be 2.4%.

Specially designed and NDA compliant CTs can be used in a vehicle-mounted environment for routine CT examinations and to support angiographic imaging.

Global mobile vehicle CT (Vehicle Computer Tomography) main manufacturers are Siemens, GE, Neusoft Medical, United Film Medical, Canon Medical Systems, Philips, NeuroLogica, Mingfeng Medical, etc., the top four manufacturers accounted for a total of more than 50% market share, of which the largest manufacturer is Siemens. The largest manufacturer is Siemens, with a market share of 16.76%. The global mobile in-vehicle CT production regions are mainly distributed in North America, Europe, China, Japan, etc., of which China has the largest market share of 48.69%. In terms of product categories, the market share of mobile CT below 64 rows is higher, at 50.02%, while that above 64 rows is lower. In terms of application, large general hospitals are the top application area, accounting for 54.42 per cent of the market share, followed by brain hospitals with a share of 22.92 per cent.

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